
Rodrigo Manara

Brutalforce (Brute-force) Library
is written in PHP

Developed Brute-force IP track and recaptcha authentication using Google reCapatha lib.

Project can be download using composer or clone via gitHub

Repository : Github
Wordpress Plugin
is written in PHP

Develped this plugin to do a search on ration area using mysql and php, I have integrated Composer into wordpress plugin and added twig to render the template Wordpress Plugin

Site Address : Wordpress plugins repository Site Address : GITHUB

OpenCart Extension / Shipping by Subtotal
is written in PHP
Extension create to calculate the shipping depending on the total of products in the cart, this will vary the value of the shipping
Site Address : OpenCart Site Address : GITHUB

OpenCart Theme
is written in PHP
Theme in purple, just a simple variation from the default opencart layout
Site Address : OpenCart